Nouvelle publication: « How to get on the Right Side of the Border: Perinatal Health Education for Foreign Pregnant Women in France”, The Gender of Borders. Embodied narratives of migration, violence and agency (2023)

J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer la publication d’un chapitre dans l’ouvrage collectif « The Gender of Borders. Embodied narratives of migration, violence and agency » coordonné par FREEDMAN Jane, LATOUCHE Alice, MIRANDA Adelina, SAHRAOUI Nina, SANTANA DE ANDRADE Glenda et TYSZLER Elsa

Titre du chapitre: How to get on the Right Side of the Border: Perinatal Health Education for Foreign Pregnant Women in France

Résumé du chapitre:

In order to promote access to perinatal health education for foreign women in France, several practitioners have set up health education programs dedicated to this audience. Based on an ethnographic survey carried out within eight educational interventions that took place in Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis and Bordeaux, this chapter analyzes these programs as frontier spaces. During group sessions, health professionals broadcast educational discourses that (re)produce symbolic boundaries between the subjects included (« We ») and the subjects excluded from the national community (« Others »). Ultimately, this chapter reveals how gender, race and class power relations run through perinatal health education.

Références du livre:

VIROLE Louise (2023), “How to get on the Right Side of the Border: Perinatal Health Education for Foreign Pregnant Women in France”, in : The Gender of Borders. Embodied narratives of migration, violence and agency, FREEDMAN J., LATOUCHE L., MIRANDA A. et al., p.199-216, Routledge, London

Louise Virole

Louise Virole est maître de conférences à l'Université Paris Cité

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